"Protecon logo in full dark mode against a transparent background. The logo features sleek, modern typography with circuits incorporated within it, symbolizing protection and security."


Introducing the M.A.D. Audit

Concentrating image of The mad migrator writing on a clipboard, rendered at a resolution of 415x415 pixels."

The What...

A list of key security & hardening recommendations & findings
Single source where all your O365 settings are documented
Our experts will help you implement our recommendations
Monthly alerts when new settings are added or changed

The Why...

An average audit uncovers 50+ recommendations
Document all 600+ setting found in Microsoft 365
Identify misconfigurations to reduce risk of cyber attack
Protect identities and data in Microsoft 365 with multiple layers of defense
Positive image of The mad migrator giving a thumbs up, rendered at a resolution of 415x415 pixels."